I am on the board of my local genealogy society. Another board member and I have been discussing how we can help society members with their genealogy software. We’ve talked about giving lectures and small-group, hands-on help sessions. Obviously, since members could use one of several popular programs, focusing on a single one in a general membership meeting would not be appropriate. And then there is the question of which programs to cover. I use Legacy Family Tree and my fellow board member uses Ancestry’s Family Tree Maker. What about RootsMagic? I believe that addressing these three software programs would give us good coverage among our members.
Since I have a background in software (over 30 years coding, testing and managing), I decided that I could purchase RootsMagic and learn how it works. Then I though, why not get Family Tree Maker, too, and compare the three packages? I could do a software “Bake Off.” The next several postings will focus on my experience with these three genealogy software packages: Legacy Family Tree, Ancestry Family Tree Maker and RootsMagic.
Disclosure: I have purchased my own copies of each software package. I have used Legacy Family Tree since September of 2008. I used a previous version of Family Tree Maker in 1997.
I’d recommend you take a look also at GenSoftReviews: http://www.gensoftreviews.com There, users of programs review and rate the programs. It’s interesting to see the comments and which programs are rated best.