Genea-Goals for 2013

I’ve been reading other blog posts about Genealogy Goals/Resolutions for 2013 and I’ve been pondering what mine should be.  It has taken a while to come up with a final list — and, no, “cease procrastinating” is not on the list!  Since the 1st of the year, I’ve been busy.  I’ve given a 3-hour Legacy Family Tree workshop. Last evening, I was the featured speaker at a local society meeting.  I’ve celebrated 3 family member birthdays so far in January — 2 more to go!

So here are my genea-goals for 2013 – in no particular order.

  1. Blog more often  – at least 2 or 3 times per month
  2. Attend RootsTech and the APG Professional Management Conference – March in Salt Lake City — already registered, have hotel & roommate, bought plane tickets
  3. Attend a genealogical institute (one of the following: SLIG, IGHR, GRIP)
  4. Take the NGS Home Study Course – graded option – after the new, revised version is available in May
  5. Speaking Engagements
    1. Prepare 5 more presentations on genealogy/technology topics
    2. Present 10 times
  6. Research trip to Allen County Public Library
  7. Apply for ProGen
  8. Personal Digitization
    1. Digitize old slides
    2. Digitize old (pre-2003) pictures
  9. Continue my Cincinnati research and apply for First Families of Hamilton County
  10. Volunteer activities
    1. Denver Public Library – twice a month
    2. NARA, Denver – twice a month
    3. Broomfield GS – Treasurer, VP in FY14, lead newspaper indexing project
    4. Boulder GS – Recording Secretary, Publicity
    5. Colorado GS – Publicity
    6. Germanic GS of Colorado – delegate to Colorado Council of GSs

    (GS = Genealogical Society)

That’s it!  This list seems ambitious, but I’m committed to take my genealogy to the next level by taking advantage of some high-quality learning opportunities, volunteering in local repositories and preparing and giving presentations.

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Copyright (c) 2013, Beth Weiland Benko

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